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Shelling of Poltava: Prosecutor's office opens case for violation of territorial integrity

Shelling of Poltava: Prosecutor's office opens case for violation of territorial integrity Illustrative photo: The number of victims in Poltava has exceeded 50 (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

In Poltava, it has been reported that 51 people have died as a result of a Russian shelling. A pre-trial investigation has been launched into the violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity and inviolability, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to the prosecutor's office, on September 3, 2024, the Russian armed forces struck the city of Poltava, reportedly with two Iskander-M ballistic missiles. The enemy targeted an educational institution and a hospital.

As of 6:00 PM (Kyiv time), there are reports of 51 people killed and over 200 injured.

"One of the buildings of the Institute of Communications, the hospital, and nearby buildings have been partially destroyed. Rescue workers, investigative teams, and other services are currently working at the site, and debris removal is ongoing. The number of casualties is being updated," the statement said.

What preceded

On the morning of Tuesday, September 3, at 09:08 AM, two explosions were heard in Poltava. Initially, there was no information about the attack, but local media reported a need for blood donors.

Later, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that the Russian forces had attacked Poltava with ballistic missiles. As a result, the building of the Institute of Communications was partially destroyed.

Detailed information about the consequences of the attack can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.