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Russian strike on Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant: Aftermath being clarified

Russian strike on Kyiv Hydroelectric Power Plant: Aftermath being clarified Illustrative image (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The consequences of the Russian attack on the dam of the Kyiv hydroelectric power station are currently being clarified. Ukrhydroenergo CEO Ihor Syrota says there is no threat of flooding or a breakthrough.

According to Syrota, the debris from the Russian missile strike is being cleared today. It is not yet possible to assess all the technical consequences. In particular, it is unclear how long it will take to recover.

"But I want to say for sure that today there is no threat of flooding or dam breach for Kyiv HPP. The plant will pass the available water. Some of it will go through the unit, and some, if necessary, will be released by raising the gates. The plant is operating in the mode in which it can operate today. I think we will find out the consequences of the missile strike by the end of the week," he adds.

In particular, Syrota notes that the plant's employees were not injured as a result of the Russian shelling, as they were in shelters at the time.

Russian shelling of Kyiv HPP

Recently, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova claimed that Ukraine is planning to allegedly destroy the dams of the Kyiv HPP and Kaniv Reservoir to blame the Russian occupiers and gain additional support from the West.

On August 26, during a Russian massive shelling of Ukraine, the Kyiv HPP was one of the targets of the attack. Later, Andrii Kovalenko, head of the Centre for Countering Disinformation, said that there was no threat to the plant. According to him, the plant cannot be destroyed by missiles, and it is not worth comparing it to the Kakhovka HPP.