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Russian shelling of Nizhyn: Casualties rise to 15

Russian shelling of Nizhyn: Casualties rise to 15 Photo: 15 people were injured in the Russian attack on Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, on July 26 (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The number of casualties in Nizhyn has risen sharply to 15 people after Russian shelling on the night of July 26. The dormitory that was hit is uninhabitable after the Russian attack, according to Oleksandr Kodola, mayor of Nizhyn.

All 15 people were immediately taken to Nizhyn City Hospital. As of 9:30 a.m., 4 people remain in the hospital.

“We are now dealing with the consequences of the Russian attack. The house itself was heavily damaged. We are resettling people. People of retirement age lived in the dormitory. There were 24 apartments there. We are going to board up the doors and windows. There is no gas, no water, no electricity. It needs major repairs,” Kodola states.

Russian shelling of Nizhyn

On the night of July 26, Russian troops attacked the Chernihiv region with kamikaze drones.

Around 4 a.m., Russians shelled Nizhyn, Chernihiv region. Infrastructure and a dormitory were hit, and one casualty was reported.

Read more about the consequences of Russia's night attack on Ukraine in RBC-Ukraine's report.