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Russian Shahed drone flies near Khmelnytskyi NPP again – Energoatom

Russian Shahed drone flies near Khmelnytskyi NPP again – Energoatom Photo: Khmelnytskyi NPP (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

On the night of September 22, another flight of a Shahed attack drone was recorded near the industrial site of the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant, according to Energoatom.

"The flight trajectory suggests that Russia likely attempted to simulate an attack on the nuclear power plant by sharply deviating from its initial course towards the station, approaching the site, and then turning back to its original path," the statement reads.

Energoatom reminded that this is not the first time Russia has endangered Ukrainian nuclear facilities, "deliberately creating a threat to nuclear plant safety and escalating energy terror."

The company added that Energoatom provides information about each such incident to relevant authorities, which enables the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to submit notes to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and inform both domestic and international organizations.

"Russians are raising the stakes, systematically creating tension at nuclear sites. This terror must stop, as the consequences could be catastrophic," emphasized Energoatom’s head, Petro Kotin.

Russian drones flying near Ukrainian nuclear power plants

Energoatom previously reported that more than 100 Russian drones and missiles flew near Ukrainian nuclear power plants in less than a month. These actions by Russia pose an unprecedented threat to all of Europe.

Recently, a Russian drone flew close to the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant.