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Russian MoD displays evidence of Iranian missiles transfer for Grad launchers: Bild reports

Russian MoD displays evidence of Iranian missiles transfer for Grad launchers: Bild reports Illustrative photo: The Russian Ministry of Defense "revealed" Iranian missiles for Grad systems on video (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Russia can now use Iranian rockets for the Grad multiple rocket launch system in Ukraine. This was observed in a video released by the Ministry of Defense of the aggressor country, according to Bild on Telegram.

According to the material, the Russian Ministry of Defense recently showcased Iranian 122mm HE-FRAG rockets, which Russians presumably use for firing with the Grad multiple rocket launch system.

Photo: Iranian rockets in the hands of occupiers (

Journalists remind us that just two weeks ago, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi denied providing military assistance to Russia.

According to military expert Julian Roepke from Bild, footage of Iranian rockets in Ukraine had been previously shared by various bloggers, but now the Russian Ministry of Defense itself has confirmed their use.

He clarifies that Moscow is requesting such munitions from Belarus, North Korea, and Iran because the occupiers have already expended hundreds of thousands of similar ammunition items since the start of the full-scale war.


In September, the director of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, David Barnea, stated that Iran intended to transfer long-range and short-range missiles to Russia, in addition to kamikaze drones called Shahed.

By the end of September, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that there was no concrete evidence of the sale of Iranian rockets to Russia yet.