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Russian military leaders sent soldiers to their deaths in Vovchansk plant fighting: Ukrainian intel

Russian military leaders sent soldiers to their deaths in Vovchansk plant fighting: Ukrainian intel Photo: Ukrainian intel told the details of the battles for the factory in Vovchansk (Getty Images)

The commanders of the occupiers threw their soldiers to their deaths during the battles for the Vovchansk Aggregate Plant. Despite the hopelessness of the situation, they still forced the invaders to resist, according to Andrii Cherniak, a representative of the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

He noted that preparations for the operation to liberate the Aggregate Plant in Vovchansk lasted several weeks. According to Cherniak, the successful clearing of the plant's buildings is crucial for the further actions of the Security and Defense Forces of the state.

“This was necessary to simplify logistics and supply for our forces in this region as much as possible. In the future, this will enable the Defense Forces of Ukraine to conduct counteroffensive operations and drive the enemy from Ukrainian land,” the intelligence officer explained.

Cherniak added that the Russians suffered significant losses during the fighting, as the occupiers' leaders essentially condemned their soldiers to death.

“In reality, terrible, wild, and bizarre things were happening from the Russian commanders towards their subordinates. This involves intentional killings and terror. This is yet another example of how the Russian soldier has no rights and is not considered a human being at all,” said the HUR representative.

Liberation of the Aggregate Plant

This week, it became known that Ukrainian soldiers had pushed the Russians out of the Aggregate Plant in Vovchansk in northern Kharkiv Oblast. This was an operation by the HUR, which also involved fighters from the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK).

A representative of the RDK stated that this was the first operation of its kind during the full-scale war, as the soldiers had liberated such a large fortified area for the first time.

The HUR also reported that the defenders managed to capture up to 20 Russians during the fighting in Vovchansk. According to the intelligence officers, the Aggregate Plant is significantly damaged, but it can still be defended.