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Russian hackers attacked several Ukrainian Telegram channels

Russian hackers attacked several Ukrainian Telegram channels Photo: Russian hackers attacked Ukrainian Telegram channels (Getty Images)

Russian hackers have breached the post automation service FleepBot, targeting several Ukrainian Telegram channels, according to the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine on Facebook.

It was noted that on July 21, a large number of provocative messages were posted on several well-known Ukrainian Telegram channels.

The hackers compromised FleepBot, a post-automation service developed and owned by a Russian company. They posted on Telegram pretending to be the channel owners.

The State Service for Special Communications recommends removing the FleepBot bot from channel administrators to resolve the issue.

"We would like to once again emphasize the danger of using any software from the aggressor country and the need to thoroughly check the origin of software before use," the statement said.

Russian hacker activities

Ukrainians have been warned about Russian hacker attacks, as well as the spread of fake news and disinformation by the occupiers, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Russian hackers are targeting not only Ukrainian resources but also Ukraine's allied countries.

Recently, Spanish law enforcement arrested three pro-Russian hackers belonging to the group NoName057(16). The group had been attacking countries that support Ukraine in the war.