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Russian Foreign Minister and representative at UN told different versions of strike on Okhmatdyt

Russian Foreign Minister and representative at UN told different versions of strike on Okhmatdyt Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (photo: Getty Images)

According to Sergiy Kyslytsya, Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN, the version of the strike on Kyiv's hospital Okhmatdyt voiced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov did not coincide with the version given by Russia's representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, according to Kyslytsya's statement on the social media platform X.

"In February 2022, during Security Council meetings, I advised Nebenzya to consult more frequently with his boss in Moscow and compare his fabrications with him in New York," wrote the ambassador.

He reminded that on July 9 at the UN Security Council meeting, Nebenzia said, "In the videos posted by Ukrainian internet can be seen that without any damage or obstruction, a single rocket from the Ukrainian air defense system arrives in the area of the children's hospital. It's impossible to confuse it with anything due to its distinctive plumage and other characteristics."

Then, Kyslytsya quoted Lavrov's statement, which was spread by Z-resources on the internet.

"Here, recently, when we struck the military and energy infrastructure associated with the military bloc, one of these rockets was shot down by the Ukrainian air defense system...and the debris from this rocket fell on the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv," said Lavrov.

"So what about the distinctive plumage of the lone missile? Maybe Orwell wrote about such things too, Vasily?" Kyslytsya sarcastically noted.

Tje Security Service of Ukraine believes that Russia hit Okhmatdyt with an X-101 missile.

The building of toxicology was destroyed and four other buildings of the establishment were damaged. There are casualties among doctors and patients. More details are in the article by RBC-Ukraine.

The US is working with Ukraine on a response to the mentioned strike.