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Russian forces shoot Ukrainian POWs near Klishchiivka, investigation underway

Russian forces shoot Ukrainian POWs near Klishchiivka, investigation underway Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Russian occupiers have shot Ukrainian prisoners of war near Klishchiivka in the Donetsk region. An investigation has been launched into this incident, according to the Prosecutor General's Office press service.

As reported, on February 9, 2024, a video of Ukrainian defenders being shot by Russian Armed Forces representatives during the capture of Ukrainian positions near the village of Klishchiivka in Bakhmut district was widely circulated in the media.

The video from an enemy drone shows that, presumably, the commander of one of the units of the aggressor state's army ordered not to take the enemy prisoner during the assault on Ukrainian positions.

During the advance on the positions, Russian occupiers shot one unarmed prisoner who was surrendering with his hands up and killed another by throwing a grenade into the trench.

Under the procedural guidance of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation into the violation of laws and customs of war combined with intentional homicide (part 2 of article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) has been initiated.

"The killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualifies as a serious international crime," emphasized the Prosecutor General's Office.

Other cases of shooting Ukrainian prisoners of war

It should be noted that this is another case of gross violation of international humanitarian law by the aggressor country regarding the treatment of prisoners of war.

There have been previous incidents of executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian invaders.

In December 2023, a video surfaced online showing Russian servicemen shooting Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered as prisoners of war.

Russian occupiers also shot Ukrainian prisoners of war near Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region.