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Russian forces can't achieve significant success in Kupiansk direction - Military experts

Russian forces can't achieve significant success in Kupiansk direction - Military experts Ukrainian military (Photo: Getty Images)

Russian forces, despite their numerical superiority, are unable to achieve significant territorial gains in the Kupyansk direction. Military expert Vladyslav Seleznov and the head of the Center for Military and Legal Studies, Oleksandr Musiienko, share their opinions with RBC-Ukraine.

Military expert Vladyslav Seleznov revealed that the Russians aim to execute the so-called "grand offensive plan" of the commander of the occupying forces, Valery Gerasimov.

"They attacked our lines, encountered resistance, suffered losses, and are now undergoing redeployment. Meanwhile, they began an advance in the Kupiansk direction, where they have a group numbering 100,000 personnel," he said.

According to the expert, even with a substantial numerical advantage in personnel, the enemy cannot achieve significant territorial gains. Considering the available resources, achieving progress of a few hundred meters or 2-3 kilometers amounts to very little.

The head of the Center for Military and Legal Studies, Oleksandr Musiienko, added that the enemy had set two goals on this front, both of which were not achieved. Firstly, they failed to breach the defense and reach the Oskil River, proceeding towards Lyman and Bilohorivka to threaten Ukrainian forces near Bakhmut. Secondly, they could not divert the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the southern sectors.

"However, it's worth noting that the attacks haven't stopped. It's just that they have no success there so far, and I hope it will continue to be that way," the expert added.

The situation in the Kupiansk direction

According to Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Maliar, throughout the previous week, the occupiers attempted to regain control over territories in the Kharkiv region that they had lost earlier. As a result, the most intense battles occurred on the Kupyansk front.

The spokesperson of f the Operational Command East of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhii Cherevatyi, stated that the situation on the Kupiansk front is complex but under control. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are aware of all the plans of the Russian aggressors and are thwarting them.