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Russian civil aviation to be disconnected from domain zone: What it means

Russian civil aviation to be disconnected from domain zone: What it means Illustrative photo (
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian airlines and airports will be denied access to the international aviation domain zone .aero. This decision was made in response to sanctions and the war in Ukraine, according to propagandist Russian media.

According to pro-Kremlin media sources citing aviation industry insiders, the Swiss provider of services for civil aviation, SITA, which administers the .aero domain zone, has decided to cease servicing clients from Russia.

The relevant message about this was received by companies on November 10 from Ru-Center, one of the authorized organizations in Russia responsible for registering corresponding domain names.

Over 200 websites are registered in the .aero domain zone, utilized by about 30 Russian airports (Sheremetyevo, Zhukovsky, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, and holding companies such as Airports of Regions and Aerodynamics), as well as 15 airlines.

What does this mean?

The international aviation domain zone .aero was created in 2002 specifically for industry representatives. This domain can only be used by airlines, airports, space and aviation enterprises, aviation clubs, ticket sales systems, aircraft crews, ground services, etc.

It also allows companies to enhance brand recognition and build trust with customers.

Registering an .aero domain is only possible after obtaining a unique identifier of belonging to the aviation community. Therefore, if canceled in Russia, passengers of airlines will not be able to purchase tickets without an alternative option.

It was recently revealed that Russia is deploying occupation forces to Ukraine using civilian aircraft. The airline assisting the Kremlin in this matter is I Fly Airlines.

Sanctions against Russia

Western countries, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, consistently impose new sanctions against the Kremlin and seek ways to prevent perpetrators from circumventing them.

It was revealed yesterday that the EU's foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, hopes to present his proposal for the 12th package of anti-Russian sanctions this week. It will include new lists of personal restrictions and new export sanctions, particularly regarding diamonds.

The 12th EU sanctions package may likely include a ban on the import of Russian diamonds. According to Bloomberg, this package will impact trade with the aggressor country by approximately 5 billion euros.

Additionally, the United States, as per the assistant secretary of state for energy, Jeffrey Paiatta, expressed the intention to achieve the cessation of the Russian gas project Arctic LNG 2.