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Russian brigade defeated: Ukrainian assault troops confirm liberation of Andriivka

Russian brigade defeated: Ukrainian assault troops confirm liberation of Andriivka Ukrainian assault troops confirm liberation of Andriivka in the Donetsk region (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian forces have confirmed the liberation of Andriivka in the Donetsk region. The assault troops completely destroyed the Russian 72nd Brigade along with its command, according to the Third Separate Assault Brigade.

As a result of the swift operation, the Russian garrison in Andriivka was surrounded, cut off from main forces, and annihilated. Ukrainian assault teams eliminated:

  • The enemy brigade's reconnaissance chief.
  • Three combatants.
  • Nearly the entire infantry of the 72nd Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade, along with officers and a significant amount of equipment.

According to military sources, the fighting continues as the soldiers consolidate their new positions. The soldiers of the Third Assault Brigade emphasize that the Russian 72nd Brigade has suffered a total failure.

"The capture and retention of the settlement of Andriivka is our path to breaking through on the right flank of Bakhmut and the key to the success of all further advances," the statement reads.

Liberation of Andriivka

Previously, Ukrainian command reported the advancement of Ukrainian defenders south of Bakhmut. Yesterday, September 14, Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Maliar announced the liberation of Andriivka near Bakhmut, but the information proved premature.

On the morning of September 15, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed the liberation of the village in the Donetsk region.

Military experts believe that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon liberate Klishchiivka as well. For more on this and other developments on the front, please refer to the RBC-Ukraine report.