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Russian attack on Poltava: Number of fatalities and injuries increased

Russian attack on Poltava: Number of fatalities and injuries increased Illustrative photo: Rescue operation underway in Poltava after the Russian attack (Pavlo Petrov)

As a result of today's Russian strike on Poltava, at least 47 fatalities have been reported. The number of injured has significantly increased, according to Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska on Twitter (X).

"The enemy targeted an educational institution and a hospital. It is already known that there are 47 fatalities and 206 injuries. Russia is taking from us the most precious thing—lives. We will never forget this. Eternal memory," Zelenska stated.

The First Lady also extended her condolences to the families of the deceased and the injured.

What preceded

Today, September 3, explosions were heard in Poltava in the morning. Russian army attacked the city with ballistic missiles.

The terrorists targeted the Institute of Communication and a hospital. Because the interval between the air raid alert and the impact was very short, people did not have time to take cover.

According to the latest data from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, 41 fatalities and over 180 injuries were reported.

The President emphasized that he has ordered an investigation into all circumstances surrounding the tragedy.

RBC-Ukraine sources have reported that law enforcement agencies have already initiated a criminal case, though the specific charges are unknown.

Reuters noted that this was the deadliest Russian attack of 2024.

For detailed information on the Russian attack, you can refer to RBC-Ukraine's report.