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Russian soldiers shoot Ukrainian prisoners of war in Zaporizhzhia region - Prosecutor General

Russian soldiers shoot Ukrainian prisoners of war in Zaporizhzhia region - Prosecutor General Photo: Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin (Getty Images)

Law enforcement authorities have initiated proceedings regarding the published fact of another shooting of Ukrainian prisoners of war, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

"Russia, a terrorist state, continues to demonstrate complete disregard for the law and basic human morality. Another proof of this is the video showing the Russian military executing two Ukrainian prisoners of war. The footage clearly shows Ukrainian defenders surrendering their weapons and offering no resistance, yet the occupiers callously gun down unarmed individuals," stated Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin.

The Prosecutor General announced that criminal proceedings have been initiated for violations of laws and customs of war, combined with deliberate murder.

According to the investigation, the crime took place in June 2024 near the village of Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region.

"We know this is not an isolated incident. It is a deliberate policy of the criminal Kremlin regime aimed at the destruction of everything Ukrainian. We will find and punish all those involved: those who gave this criminal order and the direct perpetrators of this heinous crime," emphasized the Prosecutor General.

According to Kostin, on July 10th, a video recording of the shooting of two Ukrainian defenders by Russian army servicemen, who had previously been taken prisoner, was widely circulated on the internet.

"The killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and qualifies as a serious international crime," the office added.

It is worth noting that this is not the first such incident. Last month, Ukrainian military intelligence identified Russians who executed four prisoners near Robotyne.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion by Russia, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies have documented over 60 cases of executions of Ukrainian military personnel by Russian forces.