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Russian army continues offensive in Toretsk: Battles ongoing, situation changes every hour

Russian army continues offensive in Toretsk: Battles ongoing, situation changes every hour Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Russian forces continue their advance on Central Street in Toretsk, where fierce battles are taking place. The situation changes literally every hour, states Anastasia Bobovnikova, the spokesperson for the Luhansk Operational and Tactical Group.

“The situation is unchanged — we are holding the enemy on Central Street... However, the fighting in the city is very dynamic. In some areas, they penetrate, and we destroy and push them back; in others, they may capture a building entrance, and we also push them back. So the situation varies significantly there literally by the hour,” she noted.

Bobovnikova added that the Russian troops are attempting to storm the positions of Ukrainian forces not only in Toretsk but also in the areas of Chasiv Yar, New York, and the Siversk direction.

According to the spokesperson, Russian forces primarily use small group tactics and rarely employ heavy equipment.

“They mainly try to storm in small groups of 3, 4, or 5 people, which suffer significant losses. Some flee, others retreat, and they continue to storm us again and again,” Bobovnikova stated.

She added that regular infantry units of the Russian army, special forces, and artillery are fighting against the Ukrainian military.

Situation in Toretsk

The situation in Toretsk, Donetsk region, remains difficult. Russian forces have entered the eastern outskirts of the city, and fighting is taking place literally for every building entrance.

Ruslan Muzychuk, spokesperson for the National Guard of Ukraine, reported that Russian forces are attempting to advance into Toretsk from the southern and southeastern outskirts, while also carrying out offensive actions in the areas of New York and Nelipivka.