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Russian troops trying to encircle Toretsk. National Guard reports on enemy's assault actions

Russian troops trying to encircle Toretsk. National Guard reports on enemy's assault actions Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)

Russian troops are trying to advance into Toretsk in the Donetsk region from its southern and southeastern outskirts. The enemy is also attempting to advance in the areas of the settlements of New York and Nelipivka, according to the spokesperson for the National Guard of Ukraine, Ruslan Muzychuk.

"In the Toretsk direction, the enemy is attempting to conduct assault operations, trying to increase the grey zone around the city of Toretsk and nearby settlements. In particular, these are attempts to gain fire control over logistical routes and those areas the enemy is trying to advance into, especially near the settlement of New York and is also attempting to advance near the settlement of Nelipivka," Muzychuk reported.

He also noted that the Russian troops are trying to take fire control over logistical routes near Toretsk itself, thus expanding the so-called grey zone.

The attempts at offensive actions by the enemy are being halted by the Defense Forces, particularly the Azov 12th Special Purpose Brigade of the National Guard.

According to Muzychuk, during the assaults, the Russian army is trying to operate with both small infantry groups and armored vehicles.

"The infantry groups that the enemy sends for assaults are being destroyed. We are now seeing that in some places the enemy is also trying to involve armored vehicles to support these assaults," the spokesperson added.

In particular, last week, both in the Pokrovsk and Toretsk directions, National Guard servicemen destroyed more than 10 units of various armored vehicles that the enemy was attempting to use to reinforce its assaults. This includes tanks and infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs).

Situation in Toretsk

It was reported yesterday by the Armed Forces of Ukraine that the situation in Toretsk, Donetsk region, is difficult, with Russian forces having entered the eastern outskirts of the city. Fighting is ongoing for literally every approach.

Additionally, it is currently challenging to assess what portion of the city is under enemy control, as during the battles, Defense Forces units are counterattacking and reclaiming lost positions.