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Russian agent arrested in Dnipro - Functioned disguised as volunteer fund cover

Russian agent arrested in Dnipro - Functioned disguised as volunteer fund cover Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) apprehended a Russian agent in Dnipro (photo:

Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) detained a Russian agent in Dnipro from the main department of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces (known as GRU), who operated under the cover of a volunteer fund, according to SSU Telegram.

According to the investigation, after the arrest of his accomplices in January 2023, the suspect went dormant, but recently switched to a backup communication channel with Russian intelligence and continued to carry out hostile tasks.

This is already the eighth agent from the GRU's espionage network in Dnipro exposed by the Security Service.

To mask his intelligence and subversive activities, he utilized his status as a co-founder of a local community organization engaged in volunteering. Operating "under cover," the Russian agent attempted to identify the locations of Ukrainian Defense Forces' headquarters based within the region.

Additionally, the criminal also provided the aggressor with information about the approximate quantity and types of military equipment being transported by rail to the front lines. To gather intelligence, he monitored the movement of military convoys from the Ukrainian Armed Forces from an office of a civic organization located near the railway junction.

Furthermore, the suspect covertly employed his acquaintances, under fabricated pretexts, to extract information about Ukrainian defenders.

The Russian agent also monitored information about the consequences of enemy "incursions" into Dnipro, and then shared with the aggressor the locations of affected targets and the scale of destruction. The occupiers used the reconnaissance information to prepare for new and adjust repeated aerial attacks on the regional center.

During searches at the suspect's place of residence, law enforcement officers discovered a mobile phone with evidence of his correspondence with a representative of Russian GRU.

Currently, the investigators of the Security Service have informed the detained individual about the suspicion under Article 111, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (state treason committed under conditions of martial law).

Upon the request of the SSU, the court has ordered pretrial detention for him. The investigation is ongoing. The perpetrator faces the possibility of life imprisonment.

Russian agents

The Security Service detained a Russian informant who was gathering intelligence about the deployment and movement of Defense Forces near the frontline in the Avdiivka direction.

Recently, law enforcement authorities also exposed a traitor in Odesa who was involved in adjusting Russian strikes on the city.

In Kyiv, the Security Service of Ukraine detained a Russian correctional agent who was "preparing" a new missile strike on the capital.