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Russia uses Pantsir-SM-SV with hypersonic missile in combat for first time - Defense Express

Russia uses Pantsir-SM-SV with hypersonic missile in combat for first time - Defense Express Photo: “Pantsir-SM-SV (Russian media)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia probably used the modernized Pantsir-SM-SV anti-aircraft missile system in combat conditions for the first time during the test, according to Defense Express.

It is noted that the Pantsir-SM-SV version began development in Russia when the wheeled Pantsir-SM did not attract the interest of the Russian military. The development of Pantsir-SM-SV was likely influenced by the shortcomings of its predecessor - due to its high center of mass, it sometimes tipped over during turns and had poor off-road mobility.

Key features of the Pantsir-SM-SV

  • Mobility: Thanks to its tracked platform, the Pantsir-SM-SV can navigate difficult terrains and accompany military units in combat conditions.
  • Armament: The system is equipped with guns and missiles with improved capabilities. The new hypersonic missiles allow it to target fast and maneuverable targets.
  • Range: Compared to previous versions, the target engagement range has been doubled, making the system more effective against modern threats.
  • Radar and guidance system: Updated radar and guidance systems allow for more effective tracking and destruction of targets at greater distances and altitudes.
  • Purpose: The Pantsir-SM-SV can protect both stationary facilities and mobile military units, performing tasks in active combat conditions.

The system features an updated optical sighting station, and the target engagement range has been increased from 20 to 40 km. This improvement is due to the introduction of a new "hypersonic" surface-to-air missile, which is reportedly capable of intercepting not only ballistic but even hypersonic missiles.

Previously, RBC-Ukraine reported that the special forces of the Security Service of Ukraine are "hunting" for Russian air defense systems. Ukrainian forces are also targeting Russian air defense in Crimea. For instance, there were several attacks on S-300 and S-400 positions on the occupied peninsula in June.