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Russia uses chemical substances for attacks in southern Ukraine - Armed Forces

Russia uses chemical substances for attacks in southern Ukraine - Armed Forces Photo: protection during a chemical attack (Getty Images)

Russian occupation forces in southern Ukraine are using munitions with toxic substances, dropping them from drones onto the positions of Ukrainian defenders, states Dmytro Lykhovii, spokesperson for the Tavria operational group of troops.

According to him, in August alone, Russia carried out about 200 such attacks along the entire line of contact in the area of responsibility of the Tavria operational group.

He noted that Russian forces are particularly intensively attacking Ukrainian defenders in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Lykhovii reported that just yesterday, on September 4, there were 13 recorded drops of toxic substances along the line of combat contact in Zaporizhzhia.

"In general, the enemy is actively using drone drops, reinforcing their artillery and other means of attack. Yesterday alone, there were over 200 drops, using more than 300 munitions," he added.

Situation in the Zaporizhzhia direction

Recently, it has been reported that Russian troops have once again attempted to advance in the Zaporizhzhia direction. They continuously bombard the region with artillery, missiles, and drones.

It is also known that Russian occupation forces are continuing to transfer military equipment to the Zaporizhzhia direction. Notably, this equipment appears to be brand new, as if "straight off the production line." A column of 15 trucks loaded with ammunition was recently recorded. This was reported by Petro Andriushchenko, advisor to the mayor of Mariupol.

At the same time, partisans from the Atesh movement have documented that Russian forces are hiding in abandoned buildings in parts of occupied Zaporizhzhia, where they set up their headquarters.

Earlier, we reported that Russia considers the Zaporizhzhia direction to be "promising."