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Russia resumes assault operations in Zaporizhzhia sector after short pause

Russia resumes assault operations in Zaporizhzhia sector after short pause Photo: Orikhiv sign (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Russian troops have resumed active assault operations in the Zaporizhzhia sector, particularly in the area of Orikhiv. This happened after a three-day Russian pause, according to Dmytro Lykhovyi, spokesperson for the Tavria operational group of troops.

He notes that between August 22 and 24, during the celebration of National Flag Day and Independence Day of Ukraine, no Russian assault was recorded in the entire operational area of the Tavria operational and strategic group of troops. Lykhovyi adds that this applied to both the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

However, after this short-lived lull, Russian troops became active again, using small infantry groups to conduct assaults.

According to him, the Russian occupants are trying to storm the Orikhiv direction.

Situation in Zaporizhzhia sector

Russia continues shelling the settlements of the Zaporizhzhia region and is trying to carry out assault operations. Such tactics are aimed at resuming pressure on Ukrainian positions. It may also indicate the Russian occupiers' attempts to maintain control over strategically important areas of Zaporizhzhia, but all Russian assaults were successfully repelled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukraine's General Staff reports that over the past day, Russia conducted 2 attempts to storm Ukrainian positions in the Orikhiv sector. It happened in the areas of Robotyne and Novodanylivka. Ukrainian troops repelled 2 Russian attacks.

Earlier, Serhii Bratchuk, a representative of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army South and spokesperson for the Odesa Regional Military Administration explained that the Russian command had set its occupation contingent in Ukraine the task of continuing to advance in Zaporizhzhia region in several directions. He also noted that the Kremlin considers this section of the front promising.

Recently, the Russian occupiers attacked Stepnohirsk, resulting in injuries to the State Emergency Service.