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Russia suspended prisoner exchanges: Coordination Headquarters explains purpose

Russia suspended prisoner exchanges: Coordination Headquarters explains purpose The Coordination Center explained why Russia suspended prisoner exchanges (Photo: Getty Images)

Russia has suspended exchanges of prisoners of war, trying to create the impression that the Ukrainian authorities are not working on this issue, according to the representative of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War (KSHPPV), Petro Yatsenko, in an interview with "Suspilne."

According to him, it makes no sense for Ukraine to keep Russian prisoners. Russia suspended exchanges, thus attempting to influence Ukrainian society.

"They are trying to convince people that nothing is happening, look! But in reality, work is ongoing; we are not sitting with folded hands; we are constantly working to organize the next exchanges," said Yatsenko.

According to the staff representative, Ukraine is ready for dialogue and proposes various proposals to the Russians.

"We present proposals. For example, we have created a staff coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross. Ukrainian authorities have established so-called mixed medical commissions, an instrument provided for in the Third Geneva Convention. This is a commission consisting of two representatives from a neutral country and one representative from the detaining country, namely Ukraine," he noted.

Yatsenko explained that a similar commission should also be formed by the Russian side so that these commissions, visiting places of detention, can identify prisoners of war who need medical assistance and should be repatriated.

The staff representative also revealed that Ukraine has sent an open letter to Russia on behalf of the Secretary of the Coordination Staff, General Dmytro Usov.

"We emphasize that Russia must also comply with its international agreements and arrangements that they have signed. For example, they constantly assert at the diplomatic level, at the UN, that they adhere to everything. We show that de facto, nothing is happening," Yatsenko added.

Prisoner exchange

Ukraine and Russia have regularly conducted exchanges of prisoners of war since the start of the full-scale war.

The last such exchange occurred on August 7, when 22 soldiers, including two officers, were returned home.

Earlier, the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, stated that discussions with Russia on exchanging prisoners "all for all" are ongoing and are close to a positive result.

However, Russia has effectively frozen the exchange of prisoners with Ukraine since August of this year. Negotiations to resume them are ongoing.