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Russia strikes Kostiantynivka twice: Killed and wounded reported

Russia strikes Kostiantynivka twice: Killed and wounded reported Photo: Russians attacked Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, twice ( Filashkin)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On September 11, Russian troops shelled Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region, twice. There are killed and wounded, according to Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration.

"Another Russian shelling of Kostiantynivka - 1 killed and 5 wounded. Thus, today the Russians have already killed 3 people and wounded 5 with two strikes on the city," he says.

All responsible services are working at the site of the Russian shelling.

Russian shelling of Kostiantynivka

Russia is constantly shelling Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. Russian troops shelled the center of Kostiantynivka on September 7. According to eyewitnesses, 8-10 explosions were heard. 3 people were killed and three others were injured. 3 of those killed in the Russian attack were near the market.

On August 9, the Russian occupiers attacked the Ekomarket supermarket in Kostiantynivka. Many people were injured and killed.