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Russia's weekly war spending in Ukraine exceeds annual budgets of 80% of its regions - The Moscow Times

Russia's weekly war spending in Ukraine exceeds annual budgets of 80% of its regions - The Moscow Times Illustrative photo: Russia's budget for the war in Ukraine exceeded the expenditures of Russian regions (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Russia spends more on the war in Ukraine in a week than 80% of its regions do in a year. This is evidenced by the draft budget of Russia for the next year, according to The Moscow Times.

As the agency reports, Russia plans military expenditures of 13.2 trillion rubles, or approximately $95.4 billion, for the year 2025. This means that Russia plans to spend 38 billion rubles, or nearly $275 million, on the war each day.

In the Russian budget, expenses for the army and security forces amount to 11.1 trillion rubles or about 210 billion rubles per week.

Notably, only 18 of the 83 federal subjects in Russia have budgets that exceed Russia's weekly spending on the war in Ukraine. Among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg, and their respective regions. Additionally, four regions spend less in a year than Russia spends on the war in Ukraine in one day - 30 billion rubles or $217 million.

Russia's weekly war spending in Ukraine exceeds annual budgets of 80% of its regions - The Moscow Times

Today RBC-Ukraine reported that from January 1 to October 1, 2024, the Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 10,373 artillery systems of the Russian army.