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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of November 13: +1,220 troops, 48 APCs, 18 tanks

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of November 13: +1,220 troops, 48 APCs, 18 tanks Illustrative photo (RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Over the past 24 hours, Russia lost 1,220 soldiers, 18 tanks, 48 armored combat vehicles, and 52 artillery systems in the war against Ukraine, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat Russian losses from February 24, 2022, to September 13, 2024, are estimated to be:

  • personnel - about 631420 (+1220) troops;
  • tanks - 8671 (+18);
  • armored personnel carriers - 17003 (+48);
  • artillery systems - 18061 (+52);
  • MLRS - 1185 (+1);
  • anti-aircraft defense systems - 945;
  • aircraft - 369;
  • helicopters - 328;
  • UAVs operational-tactical level - 15113 (+80);
  • cruise missiles - 2,591;
  • warships/boats - 28;
  • submarines - 1 unit;
  • vehicles and fuel tankers - 24560 (+79);
  • special equipment - 3071 (+10).

According to ISW, the Russian authorities have deployed additional units of the 106th Airborne Division in the Kursk region. Russia may start redeploying more experienced forces to support its current counterattacks and future counteroffensive operations against Ukrainian forces in Russia.