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Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 13: +1,160 troops, 36 artillery systems and more

Russia's losses in Ukraine as of August 13: +1,160 troops, 36 artillery systems and more Photo: Over the course of a day, the Russians lost about 1,200 soldiers in the war in Ukraine (Getty Images)

In the past 24 hours, the Russians have lost 1,160 soldiers, 36 artillery systems, and one air defense system on the front lines, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022, to August 13, 2024, are estimated to be:

  • personnel - about 593,160 (+1,160) troops;
  • tanks - 8,455 (+5);
  • armored personnel vehicles - 16,385 (+17);
  • artillery systems - 16,764 (+36);
  • MLRS - 1,146;
  • anti-air warfare systems - 920 (+1);
  • aircraft - 366;
  • helicopters - 328;
  • UAVs operational-tactical level - 13,491 (+19);
  • cruise missiles - 2,426;
  • warships/boats - 28;
  • submarines - 1;
  • vehicles and fuel tankers - 22,649 (+59);
  • special equipment - 2,806 (+5).

According to ISW, the Defense Forces repelled several positions near Siversk and New York in the Donetsk region, but the aggressor's troops continue to press on several fronts.

Last night, the invaders attacked Ukraine with dozens of Shahed drones and ballistic weapons.

In Kyiv and many regions, air alerts were declared four times throughout the night.