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Russia reports drone attacks, including explosions and fires in Moscow

Russia reports drone attacks, including explosions and fires in Moscow Photo: Several Russian regions report explosions due to drone attacks (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Several regions in Russia experienced heightened activity from air defense forces during the night of October 20 due to the detection of drones, resulting in explosions and fires. Reports indicate the repulsion of aerial attacks in at least eight regions, according to Russian media, local governors and the mayor of Moscow.

The drone assault prompted air defense operations in Lipetsk, Tula, Ryazan, Oryol, Ivanovo, Kursk, Kaluga, and Moscow regions.

Moscow region

Around 2:46 a.m. (Moscow time), Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin announced on Telegram that air defense systems allegedly repelled a drone attack aimed at Moscow in the Ramensky municipal district.

“Preliminary reports indicate no destruction or casualties at the debris site. Emergency service specialists are currently working at the scene,” his statement read.

Lipetsk region

Governor Igor Artamonov shared details on his Telegram channel about the purported suppression of a UAV over Lipetsk and the municipal district.

“Security services are on the scene of the debris,” the Russian official stated, urging against the online publication of “photos and videos regarding the aftermath of the drone attacks or their flights.”

At almost 3 a.m., he clarified that there were no casualties or injuries.

“Fires that erupted on the ground following the drone's crash were quickly extinguished. Specialized services continue to work at the debris sites, focusing on neutralizing all fragments,” the governor wrote on social media.

However, footage surfaced online showing explosions and a fire in the Lipetsk region, allegedly resulting from the drone attacks.

Oryol region

In this region, officials reported a drone attack on Saturday evening, claiming that air defense systems shot down seven UAVs.

Governor Andrey Klychkov stated that this incident occurred within the region's territory.

According to him, there were supposedly no casualties or damage, and operational services are currently on site.

Later that night, the Russian official reported the downing of an additional four drones in the region.

Kursk region

Reports of a drone attack in the Kursk region also surfaced online on the evening of Saturday, October 19. Local Governor Alexei Smirnov posted on Telegram about air defense operations in the area and the downing of eight fixed-wing drones around 9:30 p.m.

However, footage emerged featuring explosions during the night, allegedly due to air defense operations in response to drone attacks in the Kursk region, specifically in Kursk and reported loud explosions near the city of Zheleznogorsk.

Explosions were heard in Russia's St. Petersburg on the morning of October 19, and residents reported a drone attack.

We also reported that drones again targeted the important Russian Kremniy El plant in the Bryansk region on the night of October 19.