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Russia preparing campaign against Ukraine and Türkiye: What is known

Russia preparing campaign against Ukraine and Türkiye: What is known Illustrative photo: Russia is preparing a campaign against Ukraine and Türkiye (Getty Images)

Russia plans a campaign to discredit military-technical cooperation between Ukraine and Türkiye, according to the Center for Counteracting Disinformation (CCD).

According to the Center, at the end of October, Russian intelligence services plan to publish a series of disinformation materials via the propaganda channel Russia Today, claiming that Ukraine is allegedly trading weapons with Türkiye without the knowledge of the United States, benefiting Turkish private companies.

"The propagandists will blame the Ukrainian Minister of Defense for facilitating such supplies. A fabricated narrative will be promoted that airplanes, which deliver weapons and military equipment from Türkiye to Ukraine, are supposedly used for transporting decommissioned, trophy, and other weapons back to Türkiye," the CCD explained.

The Center clarified that through this campaign, Russian intelligence services aim to discredit Ukraine's military-political leadership and undermine Ukraine's relationships with its allies.

Recently, Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Türkiye advocates for the return of territories to Ukraine, including Crimea.

Additionally, Türkiye has repeatedly expressed its desire to act as a mediator and facilitate prisoner exchanges. Turkish authorities are calling for negotiations between Ukraine and Russia.