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Russia may receive batch of two types of ballistic missiles from Iran - Sky News

Russia may receive batch of two types of ballistic missiles from Iran - Sky News Illustrative photo: Russia may receive ballistic missiles from Iran (Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed an agreement with Iran last December. Soon, Russia may receive a batch of two types of ballistic missiles, Sky News reports.

"Both sides are struggling for weapons and at the moment Russia has ramped up its domestic production but it desperately needs weapons from Iran and North Korea," says military analyst Sean Bell.

According to him, Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to Russia seems "imminent." These will be two types of short-range ballistic missiles.

"They will give Russia more volume of missiles but it will also mean Russia's own limited supply of its own Iskander missiles can now be focused on long-range targets - that's very worrying," he says.

The analyst noted that the Russian military has been training in Iran in recent weeks. Although the details of this training are not known, they indicate that weapons will be delivered soon.

What preceded this

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that in August, Reuters indicated that Iran might soon deliver short-range ballistic missiles, the Fath 360, to Russia. The probable number of missiles Russia could receive is several hundred.

Additionally, Iran had previously increased the production of ballistic missiles and drones following the signing of a cooperation agreement with Russia.

Read the RBC-Ukraine material for details on the dangers of the Fath-360 missiles and how Russia might use them.