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'Russia lost nearly 36,000 soldiers in the six weeks' - Minister of Defense

'Russia lost nearly 36,000 soldiers in the six weeks' - Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov, Ukrainian Minister of Defense (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia comprehends only the language of force. In the last six weeks, the enemy has suffered losses of approximately 36,000 soldiers, reports Ukrainian Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov during the opening of the 17th meeting of The Ukraine Defense Contact Group.

In his opening remarks, Umerov asserted that despite the absence of a formidable fleet, the Defense Forces have successfully ousted Russian warships from the Black Sea, gradually restoring freedom of navigation.

"Russia definitely does not plan to stop on its own. The only language Moscow can understand is force. And we have mastered this language well," the minister stated. He emphasized that in the six weeks since the last Rammstein format meeting, the enemy has lost nearly 36,000 soldiers.

According to him, since the last meeting in the Ramstein format (on October 11), Russia has lost almost 36,000 soldiers in six weeks. The supplied weapons - HIMARS systems, Storm Shadow, SCALP, ATACMS missiles, Abrams, Challenger, and Leopard tanks - have changed the situation on the front. Further development of coalition capabilities, particularly in artillery, armored vehicles, aviation and demining, will help protect millions of innocent lives.

"Our people eagerly await the chance to return home, rebuild their homes, and reunite with their families," Umerov added.

17th Ramstein meeting

Today marked the 17th meeting in the Ramstein format, initiated by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who chairs the contact group. The primary agenda items were the reinforcement of the Ukrainian air defense system and support for frontline troops. Following the meeting, Germany revised its list of military aid provided to Ukraine.