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Russia launches most massive drone attack on Kyiv overnight

Russia launches most massive drone attack on Kyiv overnight Photo: More than 40 Russian drones were shot down over Kyiv and on the approach to the capital (Vitalii Nosach/RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of July 31, Russia carried out one of the most massive attacks on Ukraine with strike UAVs in the entire war. The main Russian target was Kyiv, according to the Kyiv City Military Administration.

Russia launched dozens of drones at Kyiv. This was the seventh Russian drone attack on Kyiv in July. In terms of the number of UAVs used, it was the most massive for the Ukrainian capital in 2024.

Russian drones came at Kyiv in waves and from almost every possible direction. Over three dozen drones were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense forces and means in the airspace of the capital and on the outskirts. The type and exact number of UAVs will be made public in a report by the Ukrainian Air Force.

The Kyiv City Military Administration reports that according to the operational report, as of 6:18 a.m., there were no casualties or damage in Kyiv.

“The data is preliminary, the information is being updated,” the statement says.

The air raid in Kyiv lasted more than 7 hours, namely 7 hours and 14 minutes. The longest alert for the entire period of the war was recorded on May 27, 2022. It lasted 7 hours and 55 minutes.

In Kyiv and on the outskirts of the capital, Ukrainian air defense shot down more than 40 Russian drones.

According to Kyiv City Military Administration, during the morning, the second wave of drone strikes, Russian drones continued to attack Kyiv in waves from certain directions. However, not a single Russian drone achieved its goal.

“Several more Russian attack drones were hit by Ukrainian air defense forces and means. In total, more than four dozen Russian UAVs were shot down in the airspace of Kyiv and on the outskirts of the capital during these two waves. The exact figures will be provided by the Ukrainian Air Force,” the statement says.

The Kyiv City Military Administration adds that in the face of such a dense and massive Russian air attack, Ukrainian air defense forces and means worked perfectly. At this moment, there are no casualties or damage in the city.

On the night of July 29, Russia also attacked Ukraine with Shaheds. Then Russian troops launched 10 drones, 9 of which were shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces.

According to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine has already begun to strengthen the air defense of Kharkiv. Other areas, including the Poltava region, are next in line.