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Russia lacks resources in South, attacks with small units - Ukrainian Armed Forces

Russia lacks resources in South, attacks with small units - Ukrainian Armed Forces Illustrative photo: Ukrainian soldier (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The enemy is using only small infantry units without armored vehicles in the southern direction, stated the spokesperson for the Tavria operational group, Dmytro Lykhovii.

According to him, despite low assault activity, the Russians in the south carry out artillery shelling, airstrikes, and use a significant number of drones. Ukrainian fighters also carry out drone attacks on the enemy.

"The destruction of this Russian TOS-1A Solntsepyok MLRS was the result of our drone systems' work. Some aerial reconnaissance teams tracked it down, others destroyed it using FPV, and luckily, it was loaded. It detonated for a long time and beautifully," said Lykhovii.

He also reminded that another Russian TOR anti-aircraft missile system was hit in the south recently. In fact, three anti-aircraft missile systems have been destroyed in the last three days.

"Around the end of July, one BUK and one TOR were also destroyed in our operational zone, so it is clear that the Russian air defense is significantly thinning out, and they no longer have such cover, giving us better opportunities for strikes," he said.

Situation on the Southern front

Earlier, Lykhovii reported that Ukrainian units on the southern front continued their defensive operation, improved their tactical position, and achieved success. Although the front is stable, some areas remain dynamic.

The Russian forces lack resources for a large-scale offensive, and in the past day, seven unsuccessful attacks by small infantry groups were recorded.