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Russia lacks resources for large-scale offensive in southern direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces

Russia lacks resources for large-scale offensive in southern direction - Ukrainian Armed Forces Photo: Ukrainian military (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Russian forces do not have enough resources to conduct an effective, large-scale offensive in the southern direction. Over the past day, seven unsuccessful enemy attacks by small infantry groups were recorded, stated the spokesperson for the Tavria operational group, Dmytro Lykhovii.

According to him, Ukrainian units in the southern direction continue to conduct defensive actions, take measures to improve their tactical position, and have some success. In general, the front line, although stable, remains dynamic in some places.

“If we compare our direction with the overall situation at the front, I emphasize that it is obvious that the Russians do not have enough resources to conduct an effective, large-scale offensive in our direction as well because seven Russian attack attempts were recorded over the past day, four of them in the Orikhiv direction and three more attempts in the Krynky area,” said Lykhovii.

The spokesman noted that in all cases, the Russian army attacked with small infantry groups of up to a squad. Their attempts were not successful, sometimes the enemy suffered losses.

Situation at the frontline

According to the General Staff, 149 combat engagements were registered yesterday, July 29, during the day. The enemy actively used bombers and attack aircraft in the Pokrovsk direction.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine must strengthen its positions in the Pokrovsk direction, as this area is now the main one for the enemy.

According to British intelligence, Russia is likely to continue its tactical offensive in the Donetsk region in the coming weeks. However, its overall operational capabilities remain limited by several factors, including high attrition rate, limited training, and a lack of officers.