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Zelenskyy on Pokrovsk direction: We need to do everything to strengthen our positions

Zelenskyy on Pokrovsk direction: We need to do everything to strengthen our positions Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)

Ukraine needs to strengthen its positions in the confrontation with the occupiers in the Pokrovsk direction. This section of the front is currently the main focus for the enemy, according to the evening address of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

He stated that today, July 26, he thoroughly discussed the situation on the challenging frontlines, primarily in the Pokrovsk direction, with Ukraine's Minister of Defense, Rustem Umerov, and the military command. Specifically, there were two reports from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

According to the president, the Pokrovsk direction is the section of the front where the main attacks of the Russian army are concentrated.

"Everything must be done and will be done to strengthen our positions and our Ukrainian ability to inflict significant losses on the occupiers," Zelenskyy stated.

What preceded

According to the latest report from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Pokrovsk direction saw the highest number of clashes compared to other frontlines over the past day.

Overall, the Russian troops made 23 attempts to push Ukrainian defenders from their positions in the areas of seven settlements.

Additionally, the Russian forces are using aviation in that area; they are attempting to carry out airstrikes on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.