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Russia keeps two missile carriers in Black Sea

Russia keeps two missile carriers in Black Sea Russian ship at sea (Illustrative photo:

On October 10, Russia continued to maintain missile carriers in the Black Sea, indicating that the threat of using Kalibr missiles against Ukraine has not diminished, according to the Ukrainian Navy.

As of 06:00 Kyiv time, there are two Russian ships in the waters of the Black Sea, both of which are equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles, with a total strike capability of up to 8 missiles.

In the Sea of Azov, enemy vessels have been absent, as in previous days. However, they continue to be observed in the Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, military sources have recorded two ships there, one of which is a Kalibr carrier with a potential strike capacity of up to 4 missiles.

The Naval Forces added that over a day, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait in the interests of the aggressor state, Russia:

  • to the Black Sea - 9 ships, of which 6 continued their journey toward the Bosporus Strait;
  • to the Sea of Azov - 7 ships, including 1 coming from the Bosporus Strait.

Additionally, the military noted that Russia continues to violate the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) by disabling automatic identification systems.

Two days ago, on October 8, there were as many as 16 ships in the Black Sea that Russia had deployed for combat duty. Of these, 7 were Kalibr cruise missile carriers, which, in the event of a missile attack by Russia, could launch a total of up to 48 missiles.

Enemy vessels were also present in the Mediterranean Sea. There, as today, there were 2 ships, one of which was a missile carrier with a strike capacity of up to 4 missiles.