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Russia fears that F-16s might be involved in operation near Kursk - The Telegraph

Russia fears that F-16s might be involved in operation near Kursk - The Telegraph Illustrative photo: In Russia, there are fears that F-16s might be involved in the operation near Kursk (Getty Images)

Despite Russia's claims of control over the situation in the Kursk region, Moscow fears that F-16 fighter jets might be used there, The Telegraph informs.

According to the news agency, the events in the Kursk region were unexpected for the Russian command. In particular, this incursion turned out to be one of the largest land attacks on mainland Russia since Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

This operation was likely prepared in advance. Ukraine had moved air defense systems to the border to protect its forces.

There is also concern among the Russian forces that recently acquired F-16 fighter jets might be involved in the fighting.

Later, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov as the overseer of the defense of the Kursk region. Additionally, Russian military officials reacted angrily to the Ministry of Defense's failure to secure Kursk.

Border breach in the Kursk region

On the morning of Tuesday, August 6, several media outlets began reporting that Ukrainian forces had allegedly breached the border and taken control of several settlements in the Kursk region.

As of the morning of Wednesday, August 7, information about the fighting for the city of Sudzha, located nine kilometers from the border, began to spread in the media.

Ukraine has not yet officially responded to this information. However, the White House has stated that they want to speak with Ukrainian officials.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also reacted to the events in the Kursk region. After more than a day, he convened a military briefing.

For updates on the situation in the Kursk region as of the morning of August 7, read the RBC-Ukraine report.