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Russia causes $65 billion in damage to Ukraine's ecosystems - Ukrainian PM

Russia causes $65 billion in damage to Ukraine's ecosystems - Ukrainian PM Photo: Denys Shmyhal, Ukrainian Prime Minister (
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Ukraine’s ecosystem has suffered severe damage as a result of Russia’s full-scale military aggression. The environmental damage is currently estimated at $65 billion, according to Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.

At the Helsinki Conference, during the discussion of the 8th point on Environmental Security from the peace formula proposed by Ukraine’s president, the head of government noted that Russia’s war against Ukraine has caused massive environmental destruction, leading to unprecedented pollution.

"The current damage to Ukrainian ecosystems is estimated at $65 billion. One-third of Ukraine’s forests have been affected by the war. 20% of Ukraine’s protected areas have also been affected," Shmyhal stated.

The official also warned that 35% of Europe’s biodiversity, which Ukraine possesses, is at risk.

"Everyone faced an important task – to develop a common vision of how to protect nature and human life. Ukraine is ready to develop a common vision and concrete steps in this direction, applying the principle that the enemy must pay," Shmyhal emphasized.

The prime minister also outlined several key tasks that require a coordinated strategy. These include:

  • tracking, recording, and reporting on all environmental consequences, impacts, losses, and damages of the Russian aggressor’s war in Ukraine;
  • gathering valuable high-level feedback and technical comments from Ukraine’s partners;
  • developing further joint steps to bring the Russian aggressor to justice for all environmental crimes committed against Ukraine.

Shmyhal stressed that environmental security is a prerequisite for economic and social development. Therefore, it is necessary to find solutions and resources to protect best and restore our nature and environment.

Earlier, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada stated that the country’s post-war recovery program must consider environmental factors and its European integration commitments.

For more details on how Russia’s war against Ukraine has impacted the environment and caused catastrophic consequences, read our separate report.