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Russia attacks Lviv, Germany announces delivery of 17 IRIS-T air defenses to Ukraine - Wednesday brief

Russia attacks Lviv, Germany announces delivery of 17 IRIS-T air defenses to Ukraine - Wednesday brief RBC-Ukraine collage

Russian attack killed seven people in Lviv, including two children aged 7 and 14. Meanwhile, Germany announced its intention to transfer 17 IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine.

Read more about what happened on Wednesday, September 4.

Damaged houses and casualties: Russians attacked Lviv

On the morning of September 4, Russia carried out a large-scale shelling of Ukraine. There were reports of damaged houses and casualties in Lviv.

Seven people were killed in Lviv, including two children aged 7 and 14.

Scholz announces delivery of 17 more IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine

Germany has ordered 17 IRIS-T air defense systems for Ukraine. They will complement the seven batteries already delivered, according to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

An unnamed German government official told Bloomberg that Ukraine would receive 24 IRIS-T systems from Germany by 2026 - 12 medium-range and 12 short-range systems.

Presidential Office warns of Russia’s escalating missile tactics against Ukraine

Russia is altering its missile strike tactics against Ukraine and could escalate the situation even more, according to Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office.

He says that Russia can strike anywhere in Ukraine, regardless of the location of social, civilian, military, or critical infrastructure targets.