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Scholz announces delivery of 17 more IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine

Scholz announces delivery of 17 more IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine Illustrative photo: Ukraine will receive 17 more IRIS-T air defense systems from Germany (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Germany has ordered 17 IRIS-T air defense systems for Ukraine. They will complement the seven batteries already delivered, stated German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

According to Scholz, Germany has ordered 22 more IRIS-T systems from Diehl Defense GmbH & Co. KG. Five of them are intended for the Bundeswehr, and 17 for Ukraine.

The Chancellor noted that the seven IRIS-T batteries already delivered to Ukraine have helped shoot down more than 250 Russian missiles and drones. Four systems will be sent by the end of this year, and the rest - starting next year, the head of the German government promised.

“This shows that German support for Ukraine is not letting up. We have planned ahead and secured contracts and financing in a timely manner so that Ukraine can continue to fully rely on us in the future," added Scholz.

An unnamed German government official told Bloomberg that Ukraine will receive 24 IRIS-T systems from Germany by 2026 - 12 medium-range and 12 short-range systems.

What preceded it

Germany provides Ukraine with significant assistance in air defense.

In particular, Berlin has already transferred three Patriot air defense systems capable of destroying ballistic missiles to Ukrainian defenders. Kyiv has repeatedly requested such batteries.

Germany is also providing Ukraine with its most advanced IRIS-T air defense systems. They have a guidance system with infrared sensors and a range of up to 40 kilometers.

Yesterday, September 3, Reuters reported, citing sources, that Germany would provide Ukraine with six additional IRIS-T systems.