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Russia advances in Pokrovsk direction, Ukrainian defenders actively responding - General Staff

Russia advances in Pokrovsk direction, Ukrainian defenders actively responding - General Staff Photo: Russia is putting pressure on the Pokrovsk direction, the Ukrainian Defense Forces are taking active measures (Getty Images).
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Since the beginning of the day, May 27, the largest number of combat engagements was recorded in the Pokrovsk sector. The Ukrainian Defense Forces are holding back Russia's offensive, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"The largest number of combat engagements today is taking place in the Pokrovsk direction. The Ukrainian Defense Forces are holding back the onslaught of the Russian invaders and are taking active measures in certain areas," the General Staff says.

Situation in other frontlines

In the Kharkiv direction, Russia is directing assault operations towards the village of Lyptsi. In particular, fighting is taking place in the area of Vovchansk. Since the beginning of the day, Russian troops have made five attacks with the support of aviation. The situation is under control.

The number of Russian attacks in the Pokrovsk direction increased to eight. The situation is currently tense.

In the Vremivka direction, Russian troops made another attempt to storm the Ukrainian positions - for the second time in a day, near the village of Staromaiorske.

"The situation has not changed significantly in other areas," the General Staff adds.

Russian offensive

According to a preliminary report of the General Staff, as of 10:30 a.m., 29 combat engagements have taken place at the front since the beginning of the day. At the same time, the command warned of a tense situation in the area of Petropavlivka in the Kupiansk direction.

Meanwhile, according to Bild, many of Ukraine's Western allies are discussing expanding aid to the country directly on its territory.