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Romania warned of possible downing of drones in border area at night

Romania warned of possible downing of drones in border area at night Tulcea, Romania (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Last night, during a Russian drone attack on Ukrainian territory, Romanian authorities warned residents of the border town of Tulcea about the possible falling of drone fragments. An air raid alert was even issued, citing Digi 24.

Tulcea County authorities issued an emergency RO-Alert notification overnight for the northern region of the county. In the alert, residents were warned about the potential fall of drone debris after the Ministry of National Defense detected the approach of unmanned aerial vehicles.

According to information provided by the Romanian Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU), the air raid alert was issued at 01:00 AM and was lifted at 01:43 AM.

During the alert, there were no emergency calls to report any drone or debris falling on the 112 emergency number.

County authorities emphasized that RO-Alert messages are intended to inform citizens about the safety measures they need to take in the event of danger.

Russian drone debris on Romanian territory

Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Romania has repeatedly reported finding fragments of Russian drones on its territory.

For example, after a Russian attack on Ukraine on July 31, new drone fragments were discovered in the Chatalchioi area of Tulcea County, Romania.

Just a few days ago, on August 20, fragments of Russian drones were again found on Romanian territory.

Not only have parts of Russian drones been found in Romania during this time, but drones have also crossed the border.

In addition to the threat of Russian drones falling or crossing the Romanian border, danger remains in the Black Sea. Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that the Romanian Navy neutralized a drifting mine on the Black Sea coast.