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Romania searching for Russian drone that flew into its territory during attack on Ukraine

Romania searching for Russian drone that flew into its territory during attack on Ukraine Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

On the night of September 27, Russian troops launched a new series of drone strikes on Ukrainian territory near Kilia on the Danube, near the Romanian border, according to the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

After the drones were spotted approaching Ukrainian airspace near the Romanian border, the National Military Command Center notified the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, and at 2:01 a.m. a RO-Alert was sent to the residents of Tulcea County.

To monitor the situation, two Romanian and two Spanish F-16 and F-18 fighter jets took off from air bases 86 and 57. However, at around 3 a.m., radar data showed that one of the drones may have briefly crossed the Romanian border.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense is searching for the drone, but no traces of it have been found on the territory of the country.

“The Ministry of Defense strongly condemns these attacks carried out by Russia against Ukrainian civilian objects and infrastructure, which are unjustified and seriously contradict international law,” the statement says.

Russia's night attack on Ukraine

On the night of September 27, Russian troops again attacked Ukraine with missiles and drones. In Izmail, Odesa region, 3 people were killed and 11 others, including a child, were injured.

Russian drones were spotted in the south of the region, and a Russian missile hit an industrial facility in Dnipro, causing a fire.

Air defense in Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv, and Odesa regions destroyed 24 Shahed attack drones. One drone violated Romanian airspace, and another was disabled by Ukrainian electronic warfare systems.