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Romania may create training center for Ukrainian marines, but there is condition

Romania may create training center for Ukrainian marines, but there is condition Photo: Romanian President Klaus Iohannis (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Romania may establish a maritime training center on its territory to train Ukrainian marines. However, this requires the approval of the Romanian parliament, according to Euractiv.

In a letter to the Parliament, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis stressed the need to strengthen and diversify the training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the context of the ongoing war. Romania is expected to play a key role in strengthening Ukraine's maritime capabilities by providing its infrastructure for marine training.

The proposal is part of the efforts of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (UDCG), an alliance of 57 countries and the European Union that supports Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

The establishment of the center will be supported by the international community, with the UK providing initial funding. The center is expected to operate for two years, with the possibility of extension. Romania reserves the right to terminate its participation in the project if necessary.

This initiative is part of a broader effort by NATO Allies to support Ukraine. It is also reported that the first group of Ukrainian pilots began training in Romania last week.

During a visit to Bucharest, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha stressed that the two countries are working to finalize documents for a strategic partnership and restore free movement in the Black Sea.

Last meeting of Ukraine Defense Contact Group

On 6 September, the 24th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group in the Ramstein format took place at a US air base in Germany. For the first time, it was attended by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Allies made important statements and promised new arms supplies.

Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov said that the meeting focused on providing Ukraine with air defense systems and missiles. Ukraine's priorities also include artillery ammunition, equipment for brigades, and long-range weapons.

Read more about the results of the Ramstein meeting in RBC-Ukraine's report.