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Romania may amend law to shoot down Russian drones

Romania may amend law to shoot down Russian drones Illustrative photo: Romania may change laws to shoot down Russian drones (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The Romanian Senate Defense Committee may consider amendments to the legislation. They will allow the military to shoot down drones that violate Romanian airspace, according to the Agerpres news agency.

On Wednesday, September 11, a Senate committee meeting will take place, attended by representatives from Romania's Ministry of National Defense.

According to Agerpres, one of the topics of the meeting is an analysis of legislative changes that would allow the military to destroy drones entering Romanian territory.

Interestingly, ahead of this, Senate President Nicolae Ciucă proposed signing a protocol with Ukraine to allow the destruction of Russian drones entering Romanian airspace by air defense systems.

Russian drones in Romania and Latvia

On the night of September 7-8, Russian strike drones violated Romanian airspace.

It is also known that on Monday, September 9, debris from a Russian drone was found in Romania's Tulcea County, near the border with Ukraine.

Opposition figures in Romania have criticized the government for inaction, citing the lack of a law in Parliament that would permit the shooting down of Russian drones.

Earlier, we reported that the authorities in Bârlad had tried to ignore the fact that a Russian drone had landed on its territory.