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Refugees in Germany: Berlin promises not to pressure Ukrainians to return home

Refugees in Germany: Berlin promises not to pressure Ukrainians to return home Photo: Germany will not force Ukrainian refugees to return home (Getty Images)

Germany does not want to convince refugees from Ukraine to return to their homeland. Such decisions they should make on their own, according to a statement by the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany, Svenja Schulze, in an interview with RND.

Journalists pointed out to the official that there is a lack of qualified personnel in Ukraine, while a large number of Ukrainians live in Germany on German funds.

Schulze was asked whether Germany plans to encourage Ukrainians to return to the Motherland against this background.

In response, the minister emphasized that her country will not pressure Ukrainians.

"Just to be clear: Ukrainians who have found refuge with us decide for themselves whether they want to return to their homeland and when," Schulze added.

She also stated that the problem of the lack of personnel in Ukraine could be addressed by the return of refugees from Europe who have acquired work qualifications there.

However, the minister specified that the work qualifications obtained in European countries are not recognized in Ukraine. This issue will be addressed at the conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine on June 11-12 in Germany.

What preceded

At the end of May, it became known that the Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Migration supported a program to assist Ukrainians returning to their homeland.

For such Ukrainian citizens in a number of European countries, payments are being introduced. In particular, in Norway, payments of 1500 euros are already being made.