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'Reagan must be turning in his grave': Tusk criticizes U.S. Senate for hesitating to provide aid to Ukraine

'Reagan must be turning in his grave': Tusk criticizes U.S. Senate for hesitating to provide aid to Ukraine Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk criticized the U.S. Senate, which continues to hesitate to allocate aid to Ukraine. He even mentioned former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"Dear Republican Senators of America. Ronald Reagan, who helped millions of us to win back our freedom and independence, must be turning in his grave today. Shame on you," he writes.

Blocking of bill on assistance to Ukraine in U.S. Senate

The U.S. Senate voted on February 8 to block a bill to provide funding to support Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan and to secure the U.S. border. In the Senate vote on the night of February 8, 49 lawmakers voted in favor of the initiative, while 50 voted against it. In total, 60 votes were needed to get the legislative initiative off the ground.

Republicans have set conditions for Democrats to approve aid to Ukraine. It was about border security. Thus, Republicans threaten to withdraw aid to Ukraine if Democrats do not agree to tighten U.S. immigration laws. Other demands include restoring part of the wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico, reducing the number of people who receive a "humanitarian password" to enter the U.S., and complicating the rules for obtaining asylum for migrants. Democrats, in turn, refuse to support such demands.

As Politico previously wrote, Ukraine has become a kind of hostage to a 30-year dispute between Republicans and Democrats over borders.