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Putin sees himself as messiah who will 'save' Russia and entire Western world - Political analyst

Putin sees himself as messiah who will 'save' Russia and entire Western world - Political analyst Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

In his paradigm, Russian President Vladimir Putin most likely sees himself as the savior of Russia and the entire civilized world. Moreover, this narrative can be traced back to 2005, states Russian opposition political analyst Ivan Preobrazhensky in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

"He (Putin-ed.) believes that the Soviet government mismanaged the country after Brezhnev, at least. Then came Andropov, whom he greatly admires, who tried to save the situation, but after that, all those 'liberal weaklings' ruined the country. As a result, Russia began to lose even faster," Preobrazhensky said.

According to him, "people like Sergei Glazyev—a pseudo-economist—and other characters like him" love to talk about a new technological revolution and the emergence of a new technological order. However, Russia is lagging behind. And if it continues to lag, it "risks becoming a third-world country, which will inevitably lead to its disintegration."

"And this will be a greater tragedy than the collapse of the Soviet Union because it will come with bloodshed and cause instability across Eurasia. China will rise and start pressuring the Western world. In general, Western civilization will perish, so to speak. Thus, Putin sees himself as the savior of Western civilization. A messiah. Essentially, the Jesus Christ of our time. And for such great goals, of course, it’s permissible to kill a million people," the political scientist noted.

According to Russian opposition political scientist Ivan Preobrazhensky, if Vladimir Putin were to die tomorrow, there would be a conflict among the ruling elites in Russia.

However, there is a 70% likelihood that as a result of this conflict, power will be seized not by the most aggressive faction but by one of the existing clans, which will eliminate some other clans while reaching agreements with others.