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Putin has 10-12 weeks to achieve his goals on Pokrovsk front - Sky News

Putin has 10-12 weeks to achieve his goals on Pokrovsk front - Sky News Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to "secure" the occupied Crimea and Donbas regions, as well as establish a land corridor between these two areas, Sky News reports.

According to the news agency, this summer Russia has focused its main efforts on securing the Donbas region. Despite significant losses suffered by Russian forces, Russia continues to advance slowly but steadily.

For Ukrainian forces, Pokrovsk is a strategically important logistical and transport hub. Therefore, Putin knows that maintaining the momentum of the offensive is very challenging in winter, giving him 10-12 weeks to achieve his goals before winter weather sets in.

Sky News suggests that if the Russian army captures Pokrovsk before winter, Putin might signal his willingness to negotiate a ceasefire.

Situation on the Pokrovsk front

Currently, the Russian army is conducting heavy assaults on the Pokrovsk front and is advancing towards the city of Pokrovsk. A prolonged curfew has been imposed, and the evacuation of civilians has been announced.

Earlier, Syrskyi stated that the Russian army is conducting assaults near several settlements, with the most difficult situation occurring on the Pokrovsk front. This requires constant unconventional decisions to strengthen defenses and destroy the advancing enemy.

Military expert Oleksii Hetman explained that, unlike other front areas, the terrain around Pokrovsk favors the advancing actions of Russian forces.