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Protests begun in occupied areas of Donetsk region due to lack of water - NRC

Protests begun in occupied areas of Donetsk region due to lack of water - NRC Protests have started in the occupied part of the Donetsk region due to a lack of water (photo: Getty Images)

In the temporarily occupied part of the Donetsk region, residents have begun protesting due to issues with water supply and the lack of drinking water in their settlements, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

It is reported that residents in the temporarily occupied territories of this region receive water for only a few hours a day at best, and in most cases, they have been without water for over a day.

"Locals have started blocking city streets and demanding explanations from the authorities, but the Russian authorities have yet to adopt a position agreed upon by the Kremlin and are ignoring the protests," the National Resistance Center stated.

What is the reason for the lack of water

Significant disruptions in water supply for residents of occupied Donetsk are linked to the cessation of operations of the Seversky Donets-Donbas pipeline due to ongoing hostilities.

To address this issue, Russian authorities built a new pipeline from the Don River over the past two years, but it has not provided a solution. The capacity of this new pipeline did not resolve the problem, and water is supplied to the regional center according to a schedule.

Moreover, the National Resistance Center reported that due to power outages in Russia, particularly in the southern regions, the pumping stations of the newly constructed canal have failed, causing a complete halt in the water supply.

With repairs potentially taking months, the water situation in the areas occupied by Russian forces has worsened.

Recently, it was also reported that the water supply to occupied Donetsk has stopped due to power outages.

Additionally, it was previously reported that residents of Krasnodar in Russia held a protest demanding the restoration of water and electricity supplies.