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Prince William made touching promise to Kate Middleton

Prince William made touching promise to Kate Middleton Prince William and Kate Middleton (photo: Getty images)

Prince William has resumed his royal duties and during his first visit to Sunbury-on-Thames, he made a touching promise to his wife Kate, informs Mirror.

Prince William made a touching promise to Kate Middleton

Prince William, for the first time since his forced break from work, visited the Surplus to Supper charity organization in Surrey County. It was there that he was given cards for the Princess of Wales and King Charles III. These get-well cards moved Prince William.

But William himself managed to touch not only his wife Kate but also everyone present at the meeting. The thing is, during his speech, the monarch promised to take care of the princess.

This happened after the words of a woman named Rachel Candappa, who told the heir to the throne to take care of Kate and noted that the prince is very kind. After that, William put his left hand on the woman's shoulder and promised to take care of Kate.

"I will do it," confidently said the Prince of Wales.

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Prince William made a touching promise to Kate Middleton. (Photo: Getty Images)

William temporarily stepped back from royal duties to assist Kate. His last official engagement was on March 19th when he visited Sheffield to promote his Homewards campaign for the homeless.

Kensington Palace previously announced that William would resume public engagements after his children's school holidays, as he continues to support Kate during her recovery and assists her in every way possible.