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Presidential office named conditions for opening Boryspil airport

Presidential office named conditions for opening Boryspil airport Photo: under what conditions is it possible to open Boryspil airport (Getty Images)

Boryspil airport can only be opened when the Ukrainian sky is completely closed off from Russian drones and missiles, as stated by the Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Mykhailo Podolyak, during a telethon broadcast.

"The security situation today is not fully resolved, but from the perspective of thinking about the future, we can talk about airports operating in Ukraine," explained the advisor.

According to him, the opening of the airport is not a question for tomorrow. It will become a reality when the sky is completely closed off from the influence of Russian missile and drone attacks.

What preceded

In November, the head of the President's Office, Andriy Yermak, suggested that one of the airports in Ukraine could be opened before the end of the war.

He did not specify which airport would be opened, but the media, citing their own sources, wrote that it was about one of the cities in western Ukraine.

However, recently, in the Office of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy's team specified which airport would be opened first.